I used to wonder what made people so arrogant, so full of vile and hate.
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I used to wonder what made people so arrogant, so full of vile and hate. I refused to believe people were born that way. Children are the most precious and innocent creatures. So begs the question, when does the change happen and more importantly why does the change happen? I spent years trying to understand this. So I asked lots of questions, some invasive but I was always surprised by how people would quickly open up. As a person who tends to be more reserved this was different. The first thing I learnt is everyone has a story. Second was how rare it is to have someone genuinely listen to understand and not judge. I have explored different questions in my life, like who is God and why should I believe in Him? Why is my religion correct and others are wrong? Do I really believe or am I just doing what I was raised to do? Is the Bible true or is it a weapon? What is the meaning of life if death is inevitable? But this question on why people are the way they are was not such an...
Purpose and Spirituality
This Blog Almost Didn’t Happen—Here’s Why I Changed My Mind
Writing has been my form of expression for as long as I can remember. Typically, my writing serves as an outlet for deep emotions I don’t feel safe expressing out loud. For years, I dreamt...